The Wright Village Blog

How Coworking Benefits Female Entrepreneurs
Michelle Obama once said, “There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.” and she could not have been more right! Women have managed households for generations and relatively recently have ventured into entrepreneurship. Coworking, shared collaboration, open more new doors for women in business than ever before. Keep reading for ways that coworking benefits female entrepreneurs.

Challenges New Black Business Owners Face in 2021
Starting a business in 2021 brings its own challenges, no matter who you are. Being a black business owner means having to navigate through challenges that white business owners usually do not face. Despite having to learn how to be a business owner, get customers, and make money, you also have to face bias, networking struggles, funding issues, and COVID-19, in a system that is working against you. Below are some of the struggles Black business owners face in 2021 and some suggestions for ways to work through them.

Where to Shop to Support Local Black Businesses
Raleigh NC Guide to Black-Owned Business from A to Z