Day 10| Mariah Bailey | Black American Market LLC
For as long as I can remember, I've always been intrigued by systematic intelligence, equality and diversity, investigative processes, and mental health wellness. Black American Market is my other baby, along with my 7-year-old daughter. Being the vessel behind the B.A.M brand and making connections with other entrepreneurs, creators, and HBCU graduates, giving them a revolutionary platform with broad range exposure, that I created from the ground up is Why I Do This! Welcome to B.A.M.
Black American Market recognizes that there is a gap between education, small business resources, and community outreach. What our company aims to do is bridge the gap between assisting small black business owners with connecting to their target audience and connecting them with resources designed to increase their success rate.
We also encourage collaboration over competition and for that reason will be launching a full-service distribution center for black business owners where they provide us the products and we complete their distribution processes for them.
In addition, we work diligently to build relationships with medium and large businesses and nonprofits, HBCUs, and communities to not only advance our networking capabilities for business owners, but also to position ourselves to provide community resources in education, business start-up, and so much more.
Our company is not primarily for the small black business owners for now, but will VERY soon be expanding toward having a VERY present face in the black community and will be the largest resource hub for minority success!