The Wright Village Blog

11 Qualities of a Successful Small Business Owner
Every business owner is perpetually searching for the secret recipe to success. Some find it and some don’t. While every situation is unique with its own set of challenges, there are a set of traits that are pretty accurate indicators of entrepreneurial success. Keep reading for 11 qualities of a successful small business owner.

Ways to Grow Your Business in 2022
After two years of adjusting to life as we know it, 2022 is a great year to venture into expanding. Even if you do not feel that your business is ready to grow, now can be a great time to decide what needs to be done in order to meet that goal. Read ahead to determine if expanding is right for you and for ways to grow your business in 2022.

3 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Thrive In Coworking Spaces
Have you ever found yourself at a desk, staring at a computer screen, knowing you could be using your time better elsewhere? Most people have at some point. Productivity and contentment are impossible to achieve when the team is trapped in a drab, isolated, and antiseptic atmosphere. The basic construction of offices needs to alter if we want the U.S. workforce to have a reason to return to the office. Coworking spaces might help single-person owned businesses to large corporations avoid a dreary existence. Entrepreneurs thrive in coworking spaces, according to numerous recent studies, and this structure is the future of business.

Social Media Tips for Your Small Business
Consumers have grown accustomed to being drawn into a product through advertising and having that product available with a click. Social media is an excellent way to get customers to notice you and ultimately buy your products. Customers (and future customers) can see your sales, community involvement, trends, and what makes your business special.

How To Set Achievable Goals
By defining exact, clearly defined targets, you can measure and enjoy attaining your goals, and you'll notice significant progress in what may have previously appeared to be a long, unproductive grind. You'll develop confidence when you discover your own ability and proficiency in achieving the goals you've set.

4 Challenges Women Entrepreneurs (Still) Face in 2021
More women are beginning the venture of starting their own businesses than ever. If you ask the average American if they know a female small business owner, the answer is likely a resounding "yes." In this age of women empowerment, women are becoming braver and more confident in going after their career goals. However, there are still some significant challenges that women entrepreneurs face in 2021, not normally faced by their male counterparts.