The Wright Village Blog

The Business Struggles of Women and Minorities
There is a significant disparity between women and minorities as business owners when compared to their white and male counterparts. There are a multitude of factors that have precipitated and continue to exacerbate this divide, but despite the inequalities that have prevented women and minorities from starting and operating businesses, both groups have been making progress.

4 Things You Need To Know To Be An Effective Leader
Promotion to management or starting your own firm is usually a beneficial stepping stone for your future. Unfortunately, many people take these roles without fully comprehending what a leadership role actually requires. When you're put in charge of other people, there are some things they don't tell you. Here are the four things you need to know to be an effective leader.

How Coworking Benefits Female Entrepreneurs
Michelle Obama once said, “There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.” and she could not have been more right! Women have managed households for generations and relatively recently have ventured into entrepreneurship. Coworking, shared collaboration, open more new doors for women in business than ever before. Keep reading for ways that coworking benefits female entrepreneurs.

4 Challenges Women Entrepreneurs (Still) Face in 2021
More women are beginning the venture of starting their own businesses than ever. If you ask the average American if they know a female small business owner, the answer is likely a resounding "yes." In this age of women empowerment, women are becoming braver and more confident in going after their career goals. However, there are still some significant challenges that women entrepreneurs face in 2021, not normally faced by their male counterparts.