Our Sponsors
Our Partners
Why Sponsor / Partner with us?
Sponsoring with us has its benefits. We’ve created an environment that implements progress through a collaborative culture, educational opportunities, and community support. The Wright Village will be known all over as a great place to start and strengthen your business. For these reasons, we invite you to join us in supporting our goals for sustainability. The success of our members directly impacts you, your company, and the strength of business diversity in our community.
Why not be a part of something powerful in your community?
Benefits include, but are not limited to:
Support economic mobility for underrepresented founders
Enhance the entrepreneurial skill set of The Wright Village Community
Invest in resources that grow new businesses
Business Exposure
Access to new clientele
Brand Awareness
Spotlight on Social Media
Access to Educational Programming / Member Events
Teach/Present at a Lunch & Learn
Digital Ad on our website/logo on our flat screen carousel
Listed as a continued resource
To review our sponsorship packet please click here Sponsorship Package or email outreach@thewrightvillage.com
Make a donation.
Your financial support provides funds that assist the dreams of entrepreneurs, even better services for our local entrepreneurs seeking office space and entrepreneurial support, and builds the economic future of the community. Thank you for supporting us in our mission of encouraging innovation and accelerating the development of businesses.